Thursday, October 20, 2011

Long Time No Post

I've been a bad blogger, lol! I'll give you a quick and dirty rundown of the past couple of months, and then I'll try to keep up with the blog a little better.

I finished the bootcamp class. I didn't lose any weight or inches, but I did get stronger. I also managed to injure my wrist. That's what happens when you do an insane amount of push-ups and mountain climbers, I guess. It only bothers me when I'm doing certain asanas in yoga class, namely upward-facing dog, and if I try to do push-ups. I'm resting it as much as I can, and also doing forearm curls and stress ball squeezes to strengthen my wrist.

We started our first semester with our brand new homeschool co-op. It's a very small group, and we only do extracurricular type classes. I think it's really beneficial for Big Boy. I'm looking forward to whatever the next semester brings.

Mr. Breadwinner was rear-ended on his way to work. Now my poor little '97 Geo Prism is totaled. It was the very first car I paid for, and it has served us well all these years. I'm sad to see it go. Thankfully, Mr. Breadwinner wasn't injured at all (talk about lucky!). Unfortunately, the guy was uninsured, so we are having to take care of it through our insurance, and the Geo is barely worth anything. Well, monetarily, it's worth very little. It was worth a lot to us. We can't replace it with the small amount of money we are getting back from the insurance company.

We are leaving at the end of next week for Florida! Yay! My step-brother is getting married, so our annual trip to Georgia is being supplanted this year by a trip to Florida. Looking forward to spending time with my parents and my step-mom's family. Also, having someone around to help watch the kids so that Mr. Breadwinner and I can go out on an actual date is golden!

I think that brings us up to speed.